Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Veronique Foti

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Veronique Foti

Veronique Foti

Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
247 Sparks Building


B.A. (summa cum laude), Oglethorpe University and Gymnasium, Zürich (Switzerland)
Ph.D., Boston College

Professional Bio

Areas of Specialization

  • Contemporary European philosophy
  • Continental Rationalism
  • Ancient philosophy
  • Philosophy of art
  • Philosophy and literary theory

Recent Courses

  • Modern Philosophy
  • Merleau-Ponty
  • Ancient Philosophy
  • Evil and the Holocaust

Recent Publications

  • "Revisting the Tragic Theater with Plato, Aristotle, and Hölderlin", Festschrift for Jacques Taminiaux, ed. Michael Gendre, forthcoming.
  • "The Aesthetic Dimension of Paideia in Plato's Republic", Kostas Boudouris and Mikovja Knešević, eds., Paideia: Education in the Global Era, vol. II (Athens: Ionia Publications 2008), 77-87.
  • "Being-in-the-World and the Phenomenon of World", Robert C. Scharff, ed.,The Blackwell Guide to Heidegger's Being and Time, forthcoming.
  • "Rethinking Parmenides in Dialogue with Reiner Schūrmann", The Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal, forthcoming.
  • "Empedocles' Philosophy of Nature as Mandating Non-Violence," Kostas Boudouris, ed., Values and Justice in the Global Era (Athens: Ionia Publications, 2007), pp. 91-101.
  • "Time's Agonal Spacing in Hölderlin's Philosophy of Tragedy," Ferda Keskin, ed., Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. II (Ankara: Philosophical Society of Turkey, 2007).
  • Epochal Discordance: Holderlin's Philosophy of Tragedy SUNY Press, 2006
  • Vision's Invisibles: Philosophical Explorations Suny Press, 2003

Current Projects

A book on expression in Merleau-Ponty's philosophy.

Veronique Foti
Veronique Foti