As the Interim Head of the Penn State University’s Philosophy Department, I am urging you to join me in condemning in the strongest possible terms the acts of violence committed against Asians and Asian-Americans in the United States over 2020 and now in 2021 exacerbated by the Covid 19 pandemic. We must condemn the heinous acts of violence that occurred in Georgia a couple of days ago. We must stand in solidarity with all Asians and Asian-Americans. We must also not overlook the fact that the Georgia violence adds to the long list – too long! – of violence against women. We must do everything we can to prevent such acts of violence based in hatred, prejudice, and ignorance.
– Leonard Lawlor, Department Head
The Penn State Philosophy Department condemns the overturning of Roe v. Wade. The Supreme Court’s ruling guarantees that many States will outlaw abortions (some already have), which will put women’s lives, education, and careers in jeopardy. The overturning of Roe v. Wade is particularly shocking since the Federal government does not mandate that all fifty states provide sufficient and cost-free maternal healthcare and childcare. We completely and unequivocally support women’s right to self-determination. In particular, and especially, we support women’s right to bodily autonomy, which includes of course the right to choose whether to have an abortion. We must make every effort to preserve these rights, at least in the State of Pennsylvania, if not in the nation.
Leonard Lawlor, Head of Philosophy
*Note: This statement is not made on behalf of The Pennsylvania State University. It is made on behalf of the tenure-track faculty of the Philosophy Department.