Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Ricardo Rivera

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Ricardo Rivera

Ricardo Rivera


B.A., University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras
M.A., University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras

Professional Bio

Ricardo was born and raised in Puerto Rico. He obtained an MA and BA in Philosophy from the
University of Puerto Rico-Río Piedras, where he was awarded the Empedocles Award and the College
of Humanities Award for his outstanding academic achievements. He has published an article on
Nietzsche’s artistic drive (Kunsttrieb) in his early philosophical production (The Birth of Tragedy and
On Truth and Lies in an Extra-Moral Sense). Ricardo’s philosophical interests are in ethics,
metaphysics, phenomenology (mainly theories on intersubjectivity and embodiment), the concept
of subjectivity, Latin American philosophy, and the ancient tradition of the care of the self. Outside
his academic pursuits, he enjoys wandering in natural landscapes, exercising his body and likes to
believe that he’ll improve in his drawing and painting skills.