Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
A.B., University of Louisville
M.A., Duke University
Ph.D., Northwestern University
Professional Bio
Areas of Specialization
- Aesthetics
- Philosophy of creativity
- Metaphor theory
- Philosophy of Charles Peirce
Recent Courses
- Informal independent study and supervision of graduate student dissertations
Recent Publications
- Topic on Creativity, "Conceptual and Historical Overview," Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed., Michael Kelly, Oxford University Press, 1998
- Topic on Metaphor, "Metaphor and Nonverbal Arts," Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, ed., Michael Kelly, Oxford University Press, 1998
- "Infinitesimals as Origins of Evolution, Comments Prompted by Timothy Herron and Hilary Putnam on Peirce's Synechism and Infinitesimals," Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society, Summer, 1998, Vol. xxxiv No. 3
Current Projects
- Research and writing in preparation of a lecture on process philosophy and Charles S. Peirce's pragmatism to be presented at Catholic University, Nijmegen, Holland.
- Research and writing for a solicited paper on Peirce's realism and semiotic theory for a special issue publication in France.
- Continuing work on Peirce, pragmatism, and interpretation theories.