Professor Emeritus of Philosophy
240 Sparks
Yale University, B.D., M.A., Ph.D.
Eberhard-Karls Universität, Tübingen, Germany
Southern Methodist University, B.A.
Professional Bio
Areas of Specialization
- Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy
- Philosophy of Religion
- Existential Thought
- Beyond Philosophy: Nietzsche, Foucault, Anzaldúa, co-authored with Nancy Tuana, Indiana University Press
- Living With Indifference, Indiana University Press
- The Lives of Things, Indiana University Press
- The Time of Memory, SUNY Press
- On the Advantages and Disadvantages of Ethics and Politics, Indiana University Press
- The Question of Ethics, Indiana University Press
- The Language of Difference, Humanities Press International and Macmillan, London
- Boundaries in Mind: A Study of Immediate Awareness Based in Psychotherapy, Scholars Press and Crossroads Press
Recent Articles
- “Interpreting Silence?” Research in Phenomenology, forthcoming.
- “Border Arte Philosophy: Altogether Beyond Philosophy,” co-author with Nancy Tuana, The Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2018.
- “Words, Silence, Experience: Derrida’s Unheimlich Responsibility.” Research in Phenomenology, Spring, 2017.
- “Nepantla: Writing (from) the In-Between, co-author with Nancy Tuana, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2017.
- “Lives of Idioms,” Epoché 17 (1), 2017.
- “livingdying,” Mosaic, 2016.
- “An Infused Dialogue: Part One: Bodies, Fusions, Indifference.” Nancy Tuana, Charles Scott, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2016.
- “An Infused Dialogue: Part Two: The Power of Love Without Objectification.” Charles Scott, Nancy Tuana, Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2016.
- “Technology, Essence, and Everyday Living,” Research in Phenomenology, 2015
- “Differences, Borders, Fusions,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2015.
- “Elemental,” Epoché, 2014.
- “Force of Life and Faith: Nietzsche and Kierkegaard,” New Nietzsche Studies, 2014 .
- "Cultural Borders," Research in Phenomenology, 2013.
- “Sensibility, Violence, Conduct,” Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2013.
- "Speaking of Mystery: An Interpretation," Research in Phenomenology, 2012.
- "Freedom and Oppression in North America," epoché, 2012.
- “The Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy’s Formation and ‘Postmodern’ Thought: The First Twenty-five Years," Journal of Speculative Philosophy (50th anniversary edition), 2012
- "Ethics at the Boundary," Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2011.
- "The Betrayal of Democratic Space," Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 2010.
- "Foucault, Genealogy, and Ethics," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 2009.
- "Sensibility and Democratic Space," Research in Phenomenology, 2008.
- “Phenomenological Ethics," Research in Phenomenology, Vol. 37, 2007.
Works in Progress
- A book on silence and silences
- A paper with Nancy Tuana on hyper-activism
Fellowships and Awards
- NEH Fellowship
- Danforth Interdisciplinary Fellowship
- Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship
- Ford Venture Summer Grant
- Vanderbilt Senior Research Fellowship
- Diversity Initiative Award, Vanderbilt University
- Dean of Berkeley College and Instructor in Philosophy, Yale University
- Assistant, Associate, Professor, Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University
- Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Emeritus and Research Professor of Philosophy, Vanderbilt U.
- Director, Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities, Vanderbilt
- Director, University Center for Ethics, Vanderbilt
- Chair, Department of Philosophy, Vanderbilt
- Edwin Erle Sparks Professor of Philosophy, Penn State University
- Interim Head, Department of Philosophy, Penn State University
- Professor of Philosophy, Penn State