Penn State Penn State: College of the Liberal Arts

Philosophy Graduate Student Organization calls for Alumni Participation

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Philosophy Graduate Student Organization calls for Alumni Participation

Philosophy Graduate Student Organization calls for Alumni Participation

The Philosophy Graduate Student Organisation (PGSO), which is comprised of current graduate students in the program, is interested to hear more from you. We would like to engage with you beyond your philosophical ideas and hear more about your experiences of navigating the professional or administrative side of philosophy. These include but not limited to the following topics:  

  • Navigating the job market: negotiations; interviews; competing offers; postdoc and how to get ready for the market in general.  

  • Financial planning: retirement annuities, pension funds, relocation expenses, subsided housing. 

  • Advice for first generation and low-income students.  

  • Guide to applying for jobs as an international student and applying for international jobs.  

  • Your tenure track experiences.  

  • The road less travelled, opting for non-TT jobs or jobs outside of the academy. 

We hope to have a panel discussion around these topics, where alumni from different years can share their experiences. This is also a way for all of us to stay in community.  If you are interested in participating in one of these topics, or other issues that we have not touched on, please reach out to the current Alumni Relations Officer, Zinhle ka’Nobuhlaluse (