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Moore joins Penn State Philosophy Faculty

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Moore joins Penn State Philosophy Faculty

Moore joins Penn State Philosophy Faculty

The Philosophy Department is pleased to announce that Christopher Moore will be joining the faculty as an Assistant Professor.

Christopher works in the areas of ancient philosophy, aesthetics, the history of ethics, and democratic theory.  He is a graduate of Dartmouth College and received his PhD from the University of Minnesota.  In addition to Penn State, Christopher has taught at Skidmore College and the University of Texas at Austin.

Christopher’s book, Socrates and Self-Knowledge, will come out Fall 2015 from Cambridge University Press. With an Italian colleague he is completing a comprehensive edited collection on the so-called “Socratic literature” for Brill, attending to representations of Socratic philosophy in the millennium from Old Comedy till Late Antiquity. With an American colleague he has translated and is writing the first complete English commentary on Plato’s Charmides.

Next spring he will be a Junior Fellow at Harvard’s Center for Hellenic Studies to complete a book on the origins of the Greek word philosophos. He has on-going projects on Heraclitus; Xenophon; ancient persuasion; Plato’s Phaedrus; and contemporary philosophical inquiries into self-knowledge, self-constitution, and the literary depictions of friendship.