Jameliah Shorter Accepts Tenure Track Position at Georgia College and State University
The Department of Philosophy at Penn State is happy to congratulate Jameliah Shorter on her tenure track appointment as Assistant Professor of Philosophy at Georgia College and State University.
Jameliah soon will defend her dissertation entitled “Kantian Cosmopolitanism and African Slavery,” with Robert Bernasconi as the chair of a doctoral committee that includes: Kathryn Gines and Sarah Clark Miller, from Philosophy, and Daniel Purdy from Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures.
Her areas of specialty are Immanuel Kant’s ethics and social and political philosophy, and Critical Philosophy of Race.
This fall, Jameliah will teach core curriculum courses at GCSU and offer upper division courses in the Philosophy of Love and Sex and Race Theory.
We wish Jameliah well as she begins her career at GCSU!