Assistant Teaching Professor
228 Sparks Building
B.A., Philosophy, Stony Brook University (2007)
M.A., Liberal Arts, St. John’s College (Great Books Program) (2009)
M.A., Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Brock University (2010)
Ph.D., Penn State University (2017)
Professional Bio
Areas of Specialization
- 20th Century Continental Philosophy (Phenomenology)
- Feminist Philosophy (with a focus on Simone de Beauvoir)
Areas of Competence
- Ethics
- History of Philosophy
Courses Taught
- Phil 103: Introduction to Ethics online course
- Phil 008: Philosophy and Feminism
- Phil 003: Persons, Moral Values, and the Good Life
- Phil 014: Philosophy of Love and Sex online course
- Phil 001: Basic Problems in Philosophy
- “The Crystallization of the Impossible: Derrida and Merleau-Ponty at the Threshold of Phenomenology” In Blackwell Companion to Derrida. Edited by Len Lawlor and Zeynep Direk. Blackwell, forthcoming.
Research Position
- Rock Ethics Institute Graduate Research Assistantship in Ethics and Sexual Violence
Assistant to Publications
- Editorial Assistant for Chiasmi International, a trilingual journal in Merleau-Ponty studies
- Assistant and Book Index to Leonard Lawlor’s text Early Twentieth-Century Continental Philosophy, Indiana University Press, 2011.