Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy
Office 227
Sparks Building
University Park, PA 16802
PhD, Philosophy, Interpretation and Culture
Binghamton University, State University of New York
PhD, Philosophy of Science
Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Professional Bio
Research Interests
- Ethics
- Social and Political Philosophy
- Globalization, Gender and Human Rights
- Islamic Philosophy and Mysticism
- Comparative Philosophy (Western and Oriental/Asian)
- ASIA 100: What is Asia
- PHIL 002: Political and Social Theory
- PHIL 005: Philosophy, Art and Film
- PHIL 010: Critical Thinking
- PHIL 014: Philosophy of Love and Sex
- PHIL 007: Asian Philosophy
- PHIL 008: Philosophy and Feminism
- PHIL 103: Introduction to Ethics
- PHIL 106: Introduction to Business Ethics
- PHIL 108W: Introduction to Social and Political Philosophy
- PHIL 119: Ethical Leadership
- RL ST 001: Introduction to World Religions
Selected Publications
- The Development of the Logical Ideas of Aristotle by Abu Ali ibn Sina. Tashkent: Fan ("Science"): 1990. (Russian language).
- "The Role of Central Asia in the War against Terrorism." In Philosophical Perspectives on the War on Terrorism, edited by Gail M. Presley, 325-360. New York: Rodopi, 2007
- "Russia, Chechnya and the Global War Against Terrorism. "In Philosophical Perspectives on the War on Terrorism, edited by Gail M. Presley, 255-287. New York: Rodopi, 2007.
- "Arts: Storytellers and Raconteurs: Central Asia." In Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, edited by Saud Joseph. Leiden: Brill, 2007.
- "Religious Practices: Ablution, Purification, Prayer, Fasting, and Piety: Central Asia," In Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, edited by Saud Joseph. Leiden: Brill, 2007.
- "Religious Practices: Preaching and Women Preachers: Central Asia. "In Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, edited by Saud Joseph. Leiden: Brill 2007.
- "History and Dignity: Contemporary Uzbekistan." In Social Diseases: Mafia, Terrorism, Totalitarianism, edited by Tim Delaney, Valerii Kuvakin, and Timothy Madigan, 44-52. Moscow: Russian Humanist Society, 2004.
- "Abu Ali ibn Sina and the Theory of Modalities in his Book of Danish-name." Fan wa Turmush ("Science and Life") no. 8 (1998): 58-64. (Uzbek language).
- "Studies of Abu Ali ibn Sina's Philosophical Legacy." In The Ancient and Medieval East, 151-160. Moscow: Nauka ("Science"), 1997. (Russian language).
- "Studies on ibn Sina's Logic." In The Problems of the History and Traditional Culture of the Near East, 34-59. Tashkent: Fan ("Science"), 1995. (Russian language).
- "Abu Ali ibn Sina's Work 'Al-Jadal' (Dialectics)." In The History and Traditional Culture of the People of the East, 43-64. Moscow: Nauka ("Science"), 1993. (Russian language).
- "Abu Ali ibn Sina (Avicenna)." In Anthology of Ideas of Pedagogy, 64-76. Moscow: Pedagogy, 1992. (Russian language).
- "Abu Ali ibn Sina's "Treatise of Soul." In New Research by Soviet Arabists, 112-118. Moscow: Nauka ("Science"), 1990. (Arabic language).
- "Abu Ali ibn Sina's Logical Works." In The Ancient and Medieval East, 160-174. Moscow: Naula ("Science"), 1990. (Russian language).
Book Reviews
- Review of Russia's Plato: Plato and the Platonic Tradition in Russian Education, Science and Ideology (1840-1930), Frances Nethercott. International Studies in Philosophy 34, no. 1 (2004): 223-225