DuPont/Class of 1949 Professor of Philosophy
and Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
240 Sparks Building
(814) 865-1653
Ph.D., University of California
Professional Bio
Areas of Specialization
- Feminist Philosophy
- Liberatory Epistemologies
- Approaches to Intersectionality
- Philosophy of Science with an emphasis on epistemological and ethical issues
- Coupled Epistemic-Ethical Issues in Scientific Practice, with particular emphasis on climate science
Administrative Position
- Founding Director, Rock Ethics Institute
Recent Books
- Racial Climates, Ecological Indifference: An Ecointersectional Approach. Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2022
- Nancy Tuana and Charles Scott, Beyond Philosophy: Nietzsche, Foucault, Anzaldúa. Indiana University Press, 2020.
Recent Journal Special Issues
- Toward Decolonial Feminisms: Tracing the Lineages of Decolonial Thinking through Latin American/Latinx Feminist Philosophy, with Emma Velez, Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, Special Issue, 2020.
- Decolonial Feminisms, with Emma Velez, Critical Philosophy of Race, Volume 8, Issue 1-2, 2020.
- Race in the Age of the Anthropocene, with Robert Bernasconi, Critical Philosophy of Race, Volume 7, Issue 1, 2019.
- Idioms of Ethical Life, with Charles Scott, Epoché, Special Issue, 2017.
- Non-racialism, Color-blindness, and Post-Racialism: Critical Reflections from South Africa and the US, with Robert Bernasconi, Gabeba Baderoon, Kathryn Gines, and Melissa Steyn. Critical Philosophy of Race, Special Issue, Volume 5, Number 2, 2017.
Recent Grants
- NSF Coastlines and People Program
- Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub, $19.9 million
- Tuana, Senior Personnel and Subaward PI (subaward total, $981,882) Awarded 8/2022
- Penn State Strategic Plan Seed Grant Penn State Initiative for Resilient Communities (PSIRC): A Pilot to Develop Community-Based Solutions to Riverine Flooding, $250,000, Tuana, Co-PI, Awarded 1/2019
- Humanities Without Walls: The Work of the Humanities in a Changing Climate. Arendt on Earth: From the Archimedean Point to the Anthropocene, $138,360. Tuana, Co-PI, Awarded 1/2018
- NSF CNH-L Visualizing Forest Futures Under Climate Uncertainty: Integrating Indigenous Knowledge into Decision Support Tools for Collaborative Decision Making, $1.7 million. Tuana, Co-PI, Awarded 8/1/16
- Worldwide University Network and Research Collaboration Award, University of Western Australia. Non-market Loss and Damage Evaluation Under Climate Change, $30,000. Tuana, Co-PI, Awarded 1/2015-12/2017
- NSF Sustainability Research Network Sustainable Climate Risk Management Strategies, $11.9 million. Tuana, Co-PI, Awarded 9/2012-10/2017