Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Environmental Studies
Brandywine Campus
(610) 892-1424
B.A., College of William and Mary (Philosophy and Government)
M.A., Stony Brook University
Ph.D., Stony Brook University
Postgraduate Study, Universität Tübingen (Germany)
Professional Bio
Areas of Specialization
- Environmental Ethics and Environmental Philosophy
- Continental Philosophy
- Political Theory
- Ethics
- Philosophy of Technology
Recent Courses
- Environmental Philosophy
- Symbolic Logic
- Asian Philosophy
- Philosophy of Technology
- American Environmentalism (American Studies)
- Basic Problems of Philosophy
Recent Publications
- Walking the Earth: Philosophical Foot Notes (Bloomington, IN: Univ. of Indiana Press, forthcoming, 2005).
- Bewildering Order: Earth, Water, Air and Fire as Elemental Philosophy and Environmental Ideas (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, forthcoming, 2004).
- Editor, Minding Nature: The Philosophers of Ecology (NY: Guilford Press).
- “Walking the Urban Environment” in Gary Backhaus and John Murungi, eds. Transformations of Urban and Suburban Landscapes (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield).
- “Be-wildering Order: On Finding a Home for Domestication and the Domesticated Other” in The Ecological Community: Environmental Challenges for Philosophy, Politics and Morality, ed. Roger Gottlieb (NY: Routledge,).
- “Walking the Elemental Earth: Phenomenological and Literary Foot Notes,” Annalecta Husserliana, Vol. 71.
- “On Critical Theory and Nature,” Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Vol. 9, No. 3.
- “Evolution and Revolution: The Ecological Anarchism of Bookchin and Kropotkin" in Social Ecology After Bookchin, ed. Andrew Light (NY: Guilford Publications).
- "Hannah Arendt and the Politics of Place" in Minding Nature, ed. David Macauley (NY: Guilford Publications).
- "Walking the City," Capitalism, Nature Socialism: A Journal of Ecology, Vol. 11, No. 4.
- Review of Edward Casey, The Fate of Place and Getting Back into Place in Environmental Ethics, Vol. 22.
- "Greening Philosophy and Democratizing Ecology" in Minding Nature: The Philosophers of Ecology, ed. David Macauley (New York: Guilford Press).
- "A Few Foot Notes on Walking," The Trumpeter: Journal of Ecosophy (Vol. 10:1). "Out of Place and Outer Space: Hannah Arendt on Earth Alienation," Capitalism, Nature, Socialism (Vol. 3:4).
- "Echoes to Eco-feminism," APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy (Vol. 92).
- "On Women, Animals and Nature," APA Newsletter on Feminism & Philosophy(Vol. 90:3).
- "Political Animals" Between The Species: A Journal of Ethics, III, 2 to IV, 2, serialized in 5 parts.
- "The Animal Rights Movement: Pythagoras' Heirs or the New Luddites of the Left?," William and Mary Magazine.
- Interview with Jeremy Rifkin on biotechnology in The Animals' Agenda.
- Interview with Peter Singer on animal ethics in The Animals' Agenda.
- Poetry in The William and Mary Review, Carver, and Left Curve.
Current Projects
- Interdisciplinary book on walking (human motility) as it relates to philosophy, the environment, politics, the body and aesthetics.
- Biomimicry and the technological imitation of natural processes.
- Nietzsche's conception of the body
- Continental Philosophy and the Environment. edited collection (with Melissa Clarke) on the environment and nature within the tradition of Continental Philosophy from Kant to Derrida.